Research departments Embodied Interaction and Robotics Natural Language Processing and Language Infrastructures Culture and Creative Industries Learning Technologies Speech, Media and Content Technologies Latest news Annual Report 2023New MSc in Digital HumanitiesMeltemi, the first open-source Large Language Model for Greek“Periplous” set sail over the sunken state of Ancient EpidaurusVassilis Katsouros on Education MSc in Biomedical Informatics MSc in Digital Humanities MSc in Language Technology Projects in progress FLORA: Federated Learning Ovulation Tracking App with Reward System ATRIUM: Advancing FronTier Research In the Arts and hUManities ThrombUS+: Wearable for continuous monitoring, risk prediction and immediate alert for deep vein thrombosis at the point of care RPGs4Museums: Role Playing Games as Digital Museum Kits ARGUS: Non-destructive, scalable, smart monitoring of remote cultural treasures SHADE: Sharing Heritage and Archaeological Data Effectively More projects