APOLLONIS: Greek Infrastructure for Digital Arts, Humanities and Language Research and Innovation

APOLLONIS is the Greek Infrastructure for Digital Arts, Humanities and Language Research and Innovation, recently formed by the union of two existing ESFRI-related national research infrastructures: CLARIN:EL, the CLARIN-related Greek network for language resources, technologies and services; and DARIAH-GR/DYAS, the DARIAH-related Greek network for digital research in the Humanities. The mission of APOLLONIS is to develop and operate a digital environment for language resources and related services, but also for training and user support activities, which will allow access to and deployment of digital language resources for the Humanities and Language Technology for research, educational and development purposes. The development of the APOLLONIS infrastructure advances the existing CLARIN:EL and DARIAH-GR/DYAS services within a common approach that will promote interoperability and reach to broader user communities, at the same time endorsing open science principles. In this framework, CLARIN:EL

  • provides a permanent and stable infrastructure for accessing language resources and language processing web services,
  • supports any type of research activity based on digital language material (regardless of scientific domain), – promotes open standards and open access principles,
  • offers training and support on Language Technology and Language Resources,
  • will facilitate access to European language resources and language processing tools through its connection to CLARIN ERIC, the European Language Resources Infrastructure,
  • develops a collaborative workspace for application development environment,
  • aims to act as a central storage point in Greece where digital language resources of any field and related processing services and tools will be hosted, and
  • aims to operate as a central information point for the domains of Digital Language Resources and Language Technology in the country.

Establishing a unified, open virtual workspace that will enable access to interoperable digital resources, metadata and data curation tools, language processing tools and services, best practice guidelines and support, CLARIN:EL will introduce the use of Digital Language Resources and Language Technology methodology to Greek humanities research and education communities, as well as professionals in the media and culture industry, allowing them, thus, to carry out their activities more efficiently and less costly, deploying the assets of digital research.