Upgrade / expansion of CALL systems used in the minority schools of W. Thrace

Start Date: 01/10/2003
End Date: 30/06/2004
Funding: “Education for the Muslim Minority Children”, Ministry of Education/University of Athens
Project Leader: Tzevelekou Maria

The objective of the work is the upgrading and expansion based on the feedback provided by teachers and pupils of the following CALL systems created by ILSP for the Programme “Education of Muslim Minority Children 1997-2000”:

Α) CALL system for learning Greek as L2 for the minority schools of Western Thrace:

  • A knight in the castle of letters  (3rd and 4th grade)
  • A knight in the castle of words (5th and 6th grade)

B) Greek-Turkish Dictionary of 6000 entries for young learners