End Date: 05/11/2023
Funding: TERMINET Open Call
Project Leader: Efraimidis Pavlos
SUSANNA project aims to redefine water meter management. The primary objective of this project is the establishment of a robust and secure blockchain network specifically designed for IoT water meter authentication, prevention of data tampering, and the utilization of Ricardian contracts to automate legal processes.
With a permissioned blockchain architecture based on Hyperledger Fabric, SUSANNA transforms conventional data collection methods by leveraging advanced IoT infrastructure. Through the implementation of Smart Contracts, we ensure secure data sharing, storage, and analysis, thus thwarting malicious actions and fostering reliable water utilization measurement and leak detection.
Hierarchical access ensures data confidentiality for organizations like water management entities, governmental bodies, and data stakeholders.
Utilize existing platforms to design Ricardian contracts with which the blockchain will communicate to make decisions based on the customer’s agreement with the provider. In short, automated processes should be triggered depending on the data collected from the IoT devices and the agreements defined in the aforementioned contracts.
Consequently, a crucial aspect of the project entails the progressive enhancement of a system that will allow setting up customized Hyperledger Fabric networks quickly [1]. In addition to that, it will contribute to the management of the network, enabling one to upgrade the policies, organizations, Chaincodes, etc.
In conclusion, SUSANNA aspires to revolutionize water meter utilization management through blockchain technology. By enhancing data security, privacy, and reliability, our project sets the stage for a future with robust smart cities and innovative water management practices.