SHADE: Sharing Heritage and Archaeological Data Effectively

Start Date: 01/11/2023
End Date: 30/10/2024
Funding: COST Innovation Grant
Project Leader: Tsiafaki Despoina

Making archaeological data open and freely accessible online for academic research, professional archaeologists and wider citizens must be a priority across Europe. However, there is currently a very fragmented picture and uneven access to knowledge of Europe’s rich archaeological heritage. At the present time, only a handful of COST Member Countries have the required specialist knowledge and mechanisms in place to ensure archaeological data will be freely and openly available for reuse by future generations of researchers. Failure to address this inequality means the world will be divided into countries and regions whose archaeological research legacy is available, and those where it is irrevocably lost. This lack of equity also hampers participation in research collaboration.

Members of the COST Action SEADDA have worked closely with the European Union funded research infrastructure ARIADNE to provide a single point of access to archaeological data. The ARIADNE Research Infrastructure (RI) was established as a not-for-profit association which plans to develop a service to maintain and develop the portal. On such a basis, the SHADE CIG aims to provide a solution whereby individuals and organisations can be given access to the skills and tools to publish their data online, without duplicating efforts at national, regional and local levels. This solution avoids the creation of multiple data silos, and creates a single point of access, capable of addressing major research questions, and solving heritage management problems.

ILSP participates in the planning and implementation of actions to make archaeological data open and freely accessible on the internet for research, archaeologists, and the wider public, with emphasis on Greece. ILSP plans the implementation of a targeted scientific workshop with the aim of highlighting the importance of open archaeological data and the adoption of FAIR principles.