End Date: 27/12/2021
Funding: National project, Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020 (EPAnEK), Special Actions "Aquaculture" - "Industrial Materials" - "Open Innovation In Culture"
Project Leader: Pavlidis George
Website: http://gre-taste.athenarc.gr/
The target of GRE-Taste is twofold: (a) the promotion of gastronomy tourism as a holistic travel experience with the cooperation of agro-food / catering / culture (b) the scientific inventory of the complex Greek cultural heritage regarding food (“food” in GRE-Taste: food, sweets, wine). GRE-Taste sets the following goals: – The development of a multilingual (Greek, English, Russian) application for the traveller with: (a) multimodal information on food preparation methods, the nutritional characteristics, the origin of the materials, the food supply points and the links between the food and the history, timeless culture and the life of each place; (b) automatic translation of descriptions of food from catalogues using visual menu and plates recognition; (c) evaluation of food and services by travellers with optical means, route planning, social networking, communication with destinations and services, (d) personalized multi-topic search (attributes of destination, food, culture). – Develop infrastructure with structured content for a holistic approach to tourism. – Publicity: multimedia/multilingual viewing of agro-food/restaurant businesses, exhibitions inside and outside Greece (and original artwork). GRE-Taste includes ambitious research in (a) the development and organization of multilingual and multimedia content in a freely accessible standard electronic resource (b) the development of automated translation services and (c) visual menu and plates recognition, (d) visual evaluation and feedback and (e) personalised search.