e-logo: Text and speech educational laboratory

Start Date: 01/07/2006
End Date: 01/01/2008
Funding: Information Society - Measure 3.3
Project Leader: Stainhaouer Gregory

E-logo research project aims at developing text and speech processing systems and exploiting them in language education, i.e. in the teaching of Greek as mother tongue and as a second/foreign language. These systems are:

  1. Automatic detection of pronunciation errors during reading
  2. Automatic detection and correction of spelling and grammar errors

In the framework of the project, research is carried out in the following topics:

  • The most frequent errors in text and speech production made by children at primary school on the one hand and adults who learn Greek as a foreign language on the other.
  • Selection and development of techniques/algorithms in the field of pronunciation evaluation and stress position.
  • Upgrade of the current ILSP / R.C. “Athena” spelling and grammar checker by integrating new grammar rules and/or collaborating with the ILSP / R.C. “Athena” syntactic parser.

The systems will be integrated in e-learning environments for the teaching of Greek as mother tongue and as a second/foreign language.