TV++: Content Management System for Digital Archives with Audiovisual Content

Start Date: 01/06/2006
End Date: 31/12/2007
Funding: Information Society - Measure 3.3
Project Leader: Papageorgiou Harris

The main objectives of TV++ are: a) the development of a content analysis, processing and management system for audiovisual files; the prototype will use text processing technology as well as speech, image and video processing technologies for easy access and organisation of audiovisual files. b) the development of user-friendly and personalised interfaces for the users of this technology (e.g. producers) that will allow constant access and efficient retrieval of audiovisual files.

ILSP / R.C. “Athena” and TEY-PK work towards the first objective; they develop modules for story segmentation and categorization within audiovisual files, speech recognition, speaker identification and information extraction (e.g. named entity recognition, event detection etc.). In this context, multimedia information fusion techniques are being explored for more efficient content analysis.

EAITY and ET3 work towards the second objective; they develop: a) annotation tools for interactive annotation and description of audiovisual documents, and b) a personalised user interface (myTV++). The whole audiovisual processing data-flow is being integrated with the content management processes of the ET3 TV channel, simplifying all related information access and retrieval processes.

With a TV++ like system, old audiovisual archives can be easily re-used in new productions, while the ever increasing size of audiovisual archives can be more easily managed. The TV++ prototype will be used by ET3 for its own archival needs.