GAMEIT: Semantic knowledge management and creating interactive educational scenarios platform using advanced technologies in development multi-player games

Start Date: 01/04/2014
End Date: 31/08/2015
Funding: ΠΑΒΕΤ2013
Project Leader: Markantonatou Stella

Gamelt platform combines a game writing tool and a playback environment that communicates with a repository of learning objects. Users, depending on their role, can:

  • Participate in educational games – Search educational content in the platform repository (either separately from the game or during the designing scenario process)
  • Add learning material to the platform repository
  • Design educational scenarios through a simple design process

Purpose – Goal

Gamelt project contribute to the vision of an entertaining, personalized and always available virtual school with teaching activities such as those who do not know geographical and time boundaries, a school based on a digital educational content and on human established human knowledge. Gamelt project combines innovative results of basic and applied research with mature technologies, aiming at upgrading daily (Greek and international) educational practice with:

  • the power of a digital knowledge integration machine
  • the pedagogical benefits of learning based on the game
  • the interaction that ensures multiplayer networking in a collaborative or/and competitive environment.
  • The project provided educational scenarios ready for use by primary and secondary school students and also powerful ergonomic writing tools for teachers in order to exploiting technology in educational process (based on the techniques of playing of educational process).