End Date: 14/02/2013
Funding: European Territorial Cooperation Programme "Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013"
Project Leader: Emmanouilidis Christos
Website: http://corect.ipet.gr
The CORECT project constitutes a concerted effort to study, record and promote the common religious cultural heritage across the Greece-Bulgaria border. To this end, the project exploits recent ICT advances in order to create innovative tools that facilitate the understanding, study and promotion of common Religious Cultural Heritage.
At the core of this toolset stands the CORECT Digital Recording Tool, supported by a map and timeline navigation application. It offers the opportunity to record, search and retrieve objects and monuments of religious heritage, associate digital resources to them (images, audio and vide files, as well as 3D object representations) and make them accessible to a wide range of users.
The tool has been designed to have its own lifecycle, enabling the interesting communities to record additional monuments and objects and gradually expand the collection of associated digital resources, creating a rich repository of resources and raising the awareness about the common religious cultural heritage of the region.