Stavropoulos Petros
Petros Stavropoulos was born in Athens, Greece in 1993. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Military Science and Technology (2015) from the Hellenic Army Academy, a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science (2019) and a Master’s Degree in Computer Science (2020) from Athens University of Economics and Business. Since 2019, he has been working for the Institute for Language and Speech Processing (ILSP) at the Athena Research Centre (ATHENA RC) as a Research Associate, involved in National and European projects “KRIPIS”, “Be Open” and “IntelComp”. He has worked in many areas of Natural Language Processing (NLP), such as Entity Extraction and Named Entity Recognition, Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining, Event Analysis and Event Extraction, using Machine Learning and Deep Learning tools, methods and techniques. He has also organized and supported labs for the postgraduate courses of “Natural Language Processing” and “Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing and Language Resource Processing and Management” at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.