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Scientific Associate

phone  +30 210 6875361


Sofianopoulos Sokratis

Areas of interest

  • Machine Learning
  • Machine Translation
  • Distributed Systems
  • Object-oriented programming, design and modelling

CV data

  • December 2005 – now: National Technical University of Athens School of Electrical and Computer Engineering: PhD candidate, Thesis title: “Language Modelling for Machine Translation Systems”
  • October 2002 – October 2003: Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom: MSc in Distributed and Multimedia Information Systems Dissertation title: “Adding Stream Republishers to a GRID monitoring environment.”
  • October 1997 – January 2002: University Of Ioannina, Degree in Computer Science
  • March 2005 – now: Institute for Language and Speech Processing, Machine Translation Department: Part of the design team and implementation of the METIS Machine Translation System for the IST program “METIS II: Statistical Machine Translation using Monolingual Corpora: from Concept to Implementation”
  • August 2003 – February 2004: Interlingua foreign languages group: 280 hours teaching advanced courses in Java, HTML, relational databases, Visual Basic. Scientific supervisor of training program: «Στελέχη ανάπτυξης λογισμικού εφαρμογών με εξειδίκευση σε Visual Basic 6.0 και SQL Server 2000»
  • October 2001 – September 2002: Unit of Medical Technology and Intelligent Information Systems, University of Ioannina (Medlab – IBRI): Distant Learning Editor Implementation in Delphi & creation of help system. Design & implementation of User Interface and database for project US-Bone (IST-2000-26350). Design & implementation of User Web Interface for project H-Life (IST-2000-26353)
  • June 2000 – September 2000: Systema Informatics: Design & implementation of the Linguaphone web-based e-learning platform (ASP, SQL Server)