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Scientific Associate

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Giouli Voula

Voula Giouli is a research associate at the Institute for Language and Speech Processing at ATHENA Research Centre since 1998. She graduated from the Department of Greek Philology of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens with specialization in linguistics (1992). In 1996, she obtained her M.Sc. in Speech and Language Processing (Linguistics Department, University of Edinburgh, UK), and in 2020, she received her Ph.D. in Linguistics (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens). She received a specialization in (Computerized) Lexicography and Corpus Linguistics (1993) from the University of Patras (School of Engineering, Wire Communications Laboratory jointly with CollinsHarper and Cobuild Lexicographic Centre). Her research interests involve (computational) lexicology and lexicography focusing on morpho-syntax and the syntax-semantics interface. Her research is centred around the emotion lexicon and multiword expressions. She has long experience in the design and development of language resources (annotated corpora, computational lexica, terminological databases, thesauri, grammars), and tools for processing Greek textual data at various levels of linguistic analysis. She has participated in several National and European research projects mainly in the area of Document Indexing and Retrieval, Information Extraction, Sentiment Analysis, Textual Entailment, Processing and Indexing Cultural Heritage Data, and Machine Translation. The results of her research have been published in books, scientific journals as well as international conferences. She is responsible for the Greek section of the Global FrameNet and has been the co-organiser of the series of PARSEME Shared Tasks on the identification of verbal multi-word expressions. She teaches linguistics, and computational lexicography in (post-)graduate courses, and she has supervised several MSc theses. She has been the co-author of many dictionaries for human end-users. She is a member of SIGLEX (Special Interest Group on the Lexicon of the Association for Computational Linguistics) and its SIGLEX-MWE section, and EURALEX (European Association for Lexicography).