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Theodoropoulou Helena

Helena G. Theodoropoulou is a PhD candidate of the School of Science and Technology, Hellenic Open University in the field of “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Architectural Design and Creative Tasks”. She holds a 5yrs degree (Diploma) in Architectural Engineering (2009) from the Department of Architectural Engineering of the Democritus University of Thrace. In 2015 she received the postgraduate degree “MSc in Information Systems” from the Hellenic Open University. She has many years of experience in design and development of 3D interactive applications using game engines. Since 2019, she is a scientific associate of Athena Research Center. In addition, she is a scientific associate of the Digital Media Laboratory of the School of Architectural Engineering of the Technical University of Crete, participating in research projects and a member of its laboratory staff. Since October 2020, she has been working as a teaching assistant in the course “Advanced Digital Technologies”, teaching design and development of games and 3D interactive virtual and augmented reality applications, with the Unity game engine. Her research interests focus on: Extended Reality, Human-Computer Interaction, Game Development – Serious Games, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Creativity, Generative Design, Innovative Technologies in Cultural Heritage, Architecture, Art and Education.